Who is eligible to submit a tender? (plus sub-contracting arrangements)

Submitted by admin on Fri, 17/03/2023 - 10:16

CREW encourage early-career through to experienced researchers to apply and promote the mentorship of early career researchers by experienced researchers.

CREW funding is open to applications from all relevant Scottish Higher Education Institutes (HEI) and Research Institutes (approved contractors).

Where successful, CREW funding would be subject to agreement to the CREW Grant Offer Letter and T&Cs (“Grant Terms”).  To the extent the successful applicant wished to use sub-contractors this must be done in accordance with the Grant Terms which would include putting in place an appropriate agreement with the relevant sub-contractor (updated December 2022).

For more details, please contact CREW’s Research Support Officer, Regan Tammi Regan.Tammi@hutton.ac.uk.